We can help you to sell Sybil Andrews original Linocuts with a free valuation. We are interested in purchasing original linocuts by Sybil Andrews. Clients in the U.K., Europe, USA and worldwide regularly sell Sybil Andrews artwork to us. We offer a discreet, reliable service with swift payment avoiding 50% auction value fees taken between buyer and seller.
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Biography – Sybil Andrews [1898-1992]
Sybil Andrews was born in Bury St Edmunds in 1898. She did not initially go to art school but took up a welding apprenticeship at an aeroplane factory. However after this she met Cyril Power, sharing a studio and working together on different types of prints and sports posters. From 1922 she attended the Heatherley School of Fine Art with her main interest in linocut printing. She married Walter Morgan in 1943.
Previously, in 1925, Sybil Andrews began working at the Grosvenor School of Modern Art in London. She attended Claude Flight’s lino cutting class with her first linocuts being produced in around 1926. Sybil Andrews was joint by Cyril Power at the Grosvenor School who was one of its first lecturers. Taught by Claude Flight in the 1920’s and 1930’s Sybil Andrews made lino cuts her main focus producing over seventy major prints.
Her subjects portray the machine age capturing dynamic movement with elements of Vorticism, futurism and cubism. Fellow students at the Grovenor School were artists from australia including Eveline Syme, Ethel Spowers, Dorrit Black and also Swiss artist Lill Tschudi.
The printing block was cut from linoleum with modest tools and later she developed to using multiple block for different colours. She used oriental laid tissue or thin oriental laid paper however later prints normally uses thicker oriental paper.
Sybil Andrews and her husband moved to Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada in 1947. The Society of Canadian Painters, Etchers and Engravers elected her a member in 1951.
She died in 1992 aged 94 in Canada.
How did Sybil Andrews sign her works?
Signed work inside the image, ’Sybil Andrews’ along with title and edition number. Editions of 50-60 prints with some second and third editions and separate editions for the Australian and American markets. Some experimental proofs ‘EP’, trial proofs ‘TP’ and artist proofs ‘AP’ exist.
Did Sybil Andrews work in other media?
Sybil Andrews painted watercolours and oil paintings but they are usually less commercial unless of historic value. In 1943 she painted an oil on canvas of “Motor Gun Boats, British Power Boat Company Limited, Hythe, Southampton”
She also produced black and white etchings.
Where did She sell?
Sybil Andrews sold at many exhibitions including the “Exhibition of British Linocuts” at the Redfern Gallery and around Britain from 1929-1937. Exhibitions were also held in Australia, United States and China. We see provenance labels from the Redfern Gallery, Sotheby’s, Bonhams and Christie’s.
Exhibited :
Goupil Gallery, Royal Society of British Artists, Redfern Gallery, Royal Scottish Academy, Glenbow Museum, British Museum and the Ashmolean Museum.
Some titles of Sybil Andrews Linocuts we are looking for:
Concert Hall 1929
Theatre 1929
Oranges 1929
Haulers 1929
Straphangers 1929
The Winch 1930
Bathers 1930
Wet Race Meeting 1930
Rush Hour 1930
Steeplechasing 1930
The Gale 1930
Pas Seul or Sculls 1930
In Full Cry 1931
Water Jump 1931
Golgotha 1931
Hyde Park 1931
The Giant Cable or The New Cable 1931
The Captive 1932
Deposition 1932
Joseph and Nicodemus 1932
The Timber Jim 1932
Mother and Son 1932
Pieta 1932
Bringing in the Boat 1933
Otter Hunt 1933
Sledgehammer 1933
The Windmill 1933
Flower Girls 1934
Speedway 1934
Fall of the Leaf 1934
Tillers of the Soil 1934
Racing 1934
Michaelmas 1935
Storm 1935
Via Dolorosa 1935
Tumulus 1936
Haysel 1936
Market Day 1936
Mowers 1937
Football 1937
Swans 1939
Prodigal Son 1939
Gipsies 1939
Jesus Bears the Cross: Station II 1946
Joseph of Arimathea: Station XIII 1946
Gethsemane 1951
In Manus Tuas Domini: Station XII 1951
Mangolds 1956
Surrexit 1957
Grader 1959
Rock 1960
Sails 1960
Trackway or Piste 1961
Days End 1961
Plough 1961
Jesus Falls the First Time: Station III 1962
Peevies 1962
Father Forgive Them: Station XI 1964
Jesus Meets His Mother : Station VI 1964
Peter 1966
Anno Domini 1970
Dance of the Birds 1975
Tracks 1977
Jesus Falls the Second Time : Station VII 1977
Jesus Falls the Third Time : Station IX 1978
Wings 1979
Fleece 1985
Six Waterpots of Stone 1988
Indian Dance 1951
Logging Team 1952
Hauling 1952
Coffee Bar 1952
Skaters 1953
Pilate: Station I 1953
Ploughing Pasture 1955
Tenebrae: Station XIV 1956